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Salem's Ashes is a game level as our final group project for Seneca's Game Art & Animation program done by group of 8 artists who worked closely together using a modular and agile workflow and created production quality assets under a strict art direction and deadlines. It was set in the 17th Century. An old house in Salem Massachusetts where a woman accused of being a witch was murdered.


The level was built in Unreal Engine 4. And it was such a great experience being part of the team and I was responsible for modelling some of the hard surface assets like foyer table, portable medicine hutch and modular assets to add depth to the scene. Apart from that, I was glad to work on the cinematic as well for this project.

Some of the in-game Screenshots. Some of the cinematics shots I have worked on.

My assets contribution to the scene.

Responsible for the Wooden bowls,Knife, Tin plate. Textures for tankard

Responsible for the Foyer Table,Medicine Hutch,Wooden bowls and plate.

Responsible for the wooden bowls, meat cleaver, brass plate. textures for fork and spoon.

Responsible for the Foyer Table in the corner and everything on top of it except candlestand.

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